08 Jan There Are No Limits to What You Can Create
Do you want to create something else? For instance, do you want to travel? Do you want a new job, a healthier body, or a loving relationship? This process applies to anything and everything. There are no limits to what you can create. There are no degrees of ease or difficulty to what you can create. The only limitations we have are those we believe in. If you believe it’s easy to create a job, but challenging to find love, you will experience that outcome.
It’s just as easy to create a million dollars as one hundred dollars; both amounts of money are created using exactly the same principle. The only difference in what we manifest is our belief about what is easy and possible, and what is difficult or impossible.
Years ago, I had a strong desire to travel. At that time, I didn’t have the funds to travel, so I spent a lot of time working hard, trying to make enough money to go somewhere. Eventually I realized it wasn’t the money I wanted. My desire was to visit other places. So rather than just focusing on making money, I envisioned myself traveling. I felt the experience in my physical body. I felt the joy of being in other places. I kept imagining this until it felt real and I knew it would happen.
Within two weeks of envisioning myself traveling, I received phone calls from three different friends. They all wanted me to come visit them and each wanted to pay my airfare. I had manifested trips to Hawaii, Florida, and Oregon by understanding that everything is energy and that imagination directs the form that energy takes. For anyone who felt bad that my poor friends had to pay for my trips, one of the greatest gifts I can give my friends is envisioning them as abundant and prosperous. Imagining someone as impoverished or unable to afford something does not benefit that person. Energy can take any form and come to me from anywhere. Infinite energy also flows freely from me as I share abundance with my friends, family, and others. This helps all of us feel abundant and prosperous.
Pamala Oslie is a successful author, consultant, lecturer, and professional “sensitive” (psychic) who has the ability to see electromagnetic fields or auras. Pamala has been a frequent guest on many television & radio shows and is the author of three books: Life Colors: What Your Aura Colors Say About You; Love Colors: A New Approach to Love, Relationships, and Auras; and Make Your Dreams Come True.
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